


 一般社団法人Medical Excellence JAPAN(MEJ)※は、日本の医療機関に外国人患者の受入れを促進するため、政府と協調し、外国人患者の受入れに意欲と取組みのある病院を「ジャパン インターナショナル ホスピタルズ」として推奨しています。

※ Medical Excellence Japanは医療の互恵的国際協力の理念の下、官民連携による日本の医療の国際展開を推進するため、経済産業省の支援を得て設立。日本の優れた医療を医療機器、教育、医療制度や保険システムとパッケージで国際展開する活動を推進し、外国人患者が日本の医療を受けるための支援を行っています。

Nippon Medical School Chiba Hokusoh Hospital has been recommended consecutively three times as "Japan International Hospitals (JIH)" led by Japanese Government .

 Japanese government recommends hospitals that have a willingness and the ability to accept patients from different countries as "Japan International Hospitals".
 As a result of undergoing various examinations by Medical Excellence Japan (MEJ*) that is official bureau of JIH, this hospital has been certified in a row as a member of JIH in April 2017, 2020, and 2023.
 Enrolled departments to receive medical travelers are cardiology, gastroenterology, neurosurgery, pain clinic etc..
  Further Information is posted on MEJ website.
  Now that COVID-19 is stamped out, the borderlessness of people, goods and services are expected to be accelerated more and more. We make still more efforts to provide secure, safe and high-quality medical services for medical travelers, to fulfill the mission as a member of JIH.

* Medical Excellence Japan was established with the support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to promote the globalization of Japanese medical services by public and private partnership under the philosophy of mutually beneficial international cooperation. MEJ is promoting to expand Japan-style medical services with medical devices, education and training, medical and insurance systems, etc. as a total package, and give the upmost support for medical travellers to receive medical services in Japan.

本院第三次成功获得日本政府推荐的“Japan International Hospitals (JIH)”认证。

 一般社团法人Medical Excellence Japan(MEJ)※,为促进日本医疗机关积极接受外籍患者,连携日本政府,着手推荐有意愿且有能力接受外籍患者的医院为“Japan International Hospitals (JIH)”。
 2017年4月,本院通过多重审核,首次被认证为“Japan International Hospitals (JIH)”。经过2020年4月第二次认证,今年2023年4月本院再次获得了日本政府推荐的“Japan International Hospitals (JIH)”认证。
 新冠疫情的收束将进一步加速人,商品及服务的跨国流动。本院为了给世界各国患者提供安心,安全,高品质的医疗服务,会把作为“Japan International Hospitals (JIH)”的使命履行到底。

※Medical Excellence Japan是在医疗保健国际互利合作的原则下,为了官民合作推动日本医疗的国际化进程,获日本经济产业省支持而成立。MEJ致力于将先进的医疗设备、教育、医疗体制和保险制度等日本的总体医疗保健服务推向世界,并且大力支援外籍患者享受日本的医疗保健服务。



【関連サイト】【Related Websites】【英语版关联网站】
Japan International Hospital (JIH)のホームページはこちら↓
  Nippon Medical School Chiba Hospital | Japan Hosupital Search

Medical Excellence Japan(MEJ)のホームページはこちら↓ 
  MEJ トップページ|一般社団法人Medical Excellence JAPAN メディカルエクセレンスジャパン【MEJ】